
Brandon Johnson

Brandon Johnson

Jessica Wright

Greenergy Founder
  • Member Director and a Member of the Governance Committee
  • Lived early years in Richmond and a passionate supporter of the Richmond football team.
  • Commenced my working life at 15 years of age and have continued to work up until current working in many and varied industries.
  • Currently working in Facilities Management.
  • Married in 1989 and along with my life partner, am the proud parent of 3 children currently, 30, 27 and 22 years old.
  • First housed in ESRHC in 1995 and currently in the second home since joining the Co-op.
  • Eastern Suburbs Rental Housing Co-operative Roles
  • Member of the maintenance working group, then maintenance committee since joining the Co-op.
  • Member of the finance committee.
  • Chair for 9 years.
  • Have attended in-house and external Director training over several years.
  • I am a passionate believer that everyone deserves affordable, safe, secure and appropriate housing.

Member Director and member of the Governance Committee

Equality and accessibility to affordable and long-term housing is one my drivers. Social housing and in particular Co-Op housing should be based on dignity and respect. I have been a coop member now for 15 years. 4 years at Eastern Suburbs, and 11 in a Common Equity Housing Cooperative in Bendigo.

I have worked in a variety of positions over my working life.

They include Teaching, small business operator, disability support and consultancy, CEO of a community based multiservice organisation, that specialised in Community Transport and social isolation, Performing Arts training and project manager for a Palliative Care Consortium. I also have been and am currently undertaking a carer’s role.

I have been with my partner, Les for 42 years.

My other passions include gardening, our dog, computers and computer games.

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